I remember high school days, college days, and soon after when I concerned myself with my wardrobe and what other people were wearing. I’m a long way from those days, but now I sell to that age group. I know that the stores I frequent are not the stores my customers frequent. I don’t read the same magazines or even watch the same television shows. My son is only 6 so he isn’t helping me out yet, although he did recently ask for a specific kind of shoe. (If anyone is interested I think the Sketchers brand Airators shoe is going to be big with the grade-schoolers this year.)
Since I was flying to Texas to learn about trends, I took advantage of the huge selection of magazines at the airport. I decided to buy ELLE magazine. I concentrated on the advertisements. Actually, I had to--the first 25% of the magazine was advertisements. I wasn’t sure what I was looking for but I looked at colors, patterns, lengths, heights, bags, bags, bags, bags…my gosh, the money they must spend on advertising purses! I was thrilled to see a Diesel jeans ad showing high waisted jeans. I noticed metallic silver and metallic gold fabrics and big jewelry. I wondered how I could ever translate this all into sweatshirts and t-shirts, or if it even mattered.
Without knowing it, I had taken my first step.
When Dr. Wolfe gave his presentation on trends, I saw in his power point, some of the same images I had noticed in ELLE. Another presenter told us that Teen Vogue is the number one magazine for our college-aged girls. During the trade show, I learned that the hottest thing going is the shortened sweatpant worn just below the knee as seen in Victoria’s Secret.
I began to see how important it is for me to cruise through the mall, watching what stores the teens are frequenting and then visiting them myself. That’s what I did the next weekend. Carrying my Lane Bryant shopping bag, I visited Victoria’s Secret, Abercrombie and Fitch, and Hollister. I imagined taking my son into these places when he is a teen. I still wasn’t convinced that my Grinnell College students were wearing these things. So I had lunch at the dining hall and watched them walk by. I was amazed to see how many were wearing my stuff!
I think I get it now.
I am not designing the sweatshirt lines--but our vendors are. Our vendors are watching the trends for us and they will help me keep up. I just need to recognize it when I see it. Gone are the days when I look at my vender rep. like he has two heads when he shows me, for instance, wrinkly, stringy fabric appliqués on sweatshirts.
From now on, I’m taking a workday at the mall just before my major buying appointments. Call it “Market Research”.
Cassie Wherry, CSP
Manager, Grinnell College Bookstore
(Photo by Chance Agrella; www.freerangestock.com)